Experts in Agribusiness Intelligence
Our story
Founded in 1994, Labor Rural is a technology-based company located in Viçosa city, in Minas Gerais state (Brazil), with extensive experience in the Agribusiness sector.
We are a reference in benefit analysis, sustainable solutions that provide greatest efficiency and economy, through a complete and effective management for your rural enterprise.
We believe that to keep up with agribusiness in expansion, it's necessary to evolve. Together, the fied strength and managerial intelligence ensure each business ripeness.
Rural producers accompanied
Lectures given
Cities advised
There are dozens of successful companies with Labor Rural.
Labor Rural works potentiating Agribusiness with sustainable development, honest, responsible and professional of rural enterprises, adding quality and efficiency to all partners and customers.
There are already dozens of large companies that trust our work and reap the results of innovative and competent work.
Come also be part of this promising and assertive management!
Our Solutions
Technical and managerial consultancy for the agribusiness, occupational training and professional qualification!
We operate throughout wide Brazilian territory
Our Blog
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